Wednesday, January 13, 2016
It’s Stephen’s birthday!!
This year he is turning 22, after having his 21st birthday
right here in this very place last year.
We also got to celebrate the return of Callan and Jesse, who came back
with a clean bill of health for Callan.
We are thrilled to have our whole group together again.
Our work today followed a special breakfast prepared by Team
Ótimo (with Jenny replacing Steve, as it is his birthday and all . . .). They made pancakes with mix we brought from
home. Some had M&Ms and all had big
piles of Log Cabin syrup all over them.
The cleanup of the non-nonstick pans was no fun, but worth it.
We then started working right on the grounds of the guest
area where we are staying. Any of you
readers who have been here before will not even believe the change of this
landscape today. It’s hard to get
perspective on it in any pictures or videos, but we cut into the rain forest
and expanded the grounds by almost 50%.
We realize that cutting down rainforest doesn’t sound like a very noble
pursuit, but we are in a forest preserve where the kinds of trees that can be
cut are controlled so we were actually exercising great care. There was one very valuable tree that was
involved in this event (a jacaranda) and that wood got directed to a different
place than the overall debris pile from the other trees and bushes.
The expansion of the guest area is actually funded in part
by a government grant to help rain forest communities establish sustainable
enterprises that will improve their economic conditions without diminishing
their culture or heritage. As we have noted before, Anã is a model for the
surrounding area about how to skate this fine line.
Our jobs, then, included everything from digging a septic
tank to laying bricks on the new bathroom to preparing thatch for the roof. We also felled trees (sometimes with axes,
sometimes with machetes) and cleared debris.
We hired a contractor to oversee the bathroom project and lots of other
locals showed up to help with everything.
As always, we had too few tools to do everything we wanted
to do, so we had to use ingenuity to keep projects moving even when the tool
situation was not ideal. We quickly
organized rotations so that we could maximize productivity. One of our jobs was to dig the pit for the
septic system and we were instructed to make it as deep as our dear friend
Tonico is tall. That means that we were
going for about five cubic feet of dirt removal. Using all manual tools, that’s a big
job. As the job unfolded, the pit got
bigger and deeper but we just kept going until they told us to stop.
We were tireless for some reason and our guys even kept
box-jumping (leaping out with both feet using no hands) out of the pit, even as
its depth reached the height of their heads.
We got machete lessons from the locals and the DIRT vets, but we never
got anywhere near the skill level of the people who live here. That’s probably for the better. We’ll just be careful and slow and not mind
that we can’t hack through a tree Game of Thrones style.
Some of our women decided to take out one of the stumps
unassisted and conquered it impressively in much less time than they
expected. Many of us learned new skills,
including preparing thatch for installation as roofing material by tearing each
individual frond in just the right way to make them all align properly to block
water flow. Others learned masonry as
they mortared bricks into place on the new bathhouse.
For lunch we had a new local delicacy: stingray. It was delicious. After lunch one of our big
jobs was to move the debris that we were creating out of the way of the plans
that will unfold on the plot of land we prepared. That job meant we had to drag big trees and
their various smaller parts (branches, palm fronts, etc.) into one of two large
piles on the site. In some cases, we
could line things up just right so that we could javelin a long piece from
where it fell into the pile. If we ever
form a DIRT javelin team, Annie will be our captain.
We also learned that we have a monkey among us and his name
is Cole. The locals were showing us the
way they scale tree trunks using a ring of cloth. Cole one-upped them by matching their
performance without the cloth. The
locals were impressed and so were we.
Overall, we got much farther than we might have imagined
possible when our day began. And we got
the community much farther than they would have gotten if we weren’t here. It is important to us that we follow the
plans they already have in place and just speed up their time frame with our
labor and other resources. So far we
have happily completed quite a few of the grunt jobs that no one loves to do
but we have learned how to have a blast while we do them. There’s not much more we could ask for.
After dinner, we celebrated Steve’s birthday in much the
same way as Marlina’s last night, though his gifts from us were a Flamengo
jersey (it’s a famous Brazilian soccer team) and a fishbone knife. We could never match the glory of his 21st
birthday here so we let it be low-key and just let him know how much we admire
We’re lucky to be here and we feel it every minute of every
day (almost). Tonight the bugs started
buzzing all around us in a totally new way, which we attribute to the return of
the rains. Even then, we worked together
to find a way through, first by wearing our mosquito nets as enormous veils at
the table then by turning off all of the lights and doing whatever we were
doing in the dark. We’re pretty good at this.
As we consider our ability to adapt, we owe huge thanks to
Jesse, as always, for helping hold everything together but we also owe
gratitude to the students who have traveled here before us who established the systems and formed the relationships
from which we constantly benefit. And,
of course, we owe thanks to our hosts, who have welcomed us warmly and have
shown exceptional hospitality throughout our stay. Thanks, also to all of you, whose presence
and support we can feel from oh-so-far away . . .
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Claudia learned how to pull apart thatch from the local women.
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Claudia, Julia and Marlina bonding in their hammocks when they should have been taking naps.
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Dr. Stiek meets insect stick
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Cooper wacking at one of the more difficult tree stumps. We also learned that the handles for the tools were made by the locals out of materials found in the community.
Burning a termite nest so we can clear the land
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Aldaír cutting down trees to make space for a second Oca
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Cole, the only American to get more than 3 feet off the ground
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Jacaranda, one of the most beautiful hardwoods of the Amazon rainforest. Often used as home decor for its beautiful color.
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Cameron learning how to lay brick from the real pros
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Marcia poses with two thumbs up. We are so blessed to be spending our time in Anã working alongside the community members of Anã.
Sharing smiles with Marcia
The friends feed, teach, and take care of us.
Ain’t no such thing as clean shoes on a typical DIRTy day.
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Zé giving two thumbs up on all of our hard work!
Labor of love, DIRTies! Great job for your hardwork! Am proud of you all! Nice to see everyone working and collaborating together with the community.